Kemper Roofing & Waterproofing Systems

The true value of a waterproofing, roofing or surfacing system is in long-term performance over decades of weather extremes and mechanical use. Kemper stands the test of time. For over 50 years, with offices in 30 countries, we are the world leader and innovator of the highest quality, cold liquid-applied, fully reinforced waterproofing and roofing membrane systems.
We are representatives for Kemper in New England & parts of Eastern New York. Contact us directly for an expedited response
Commitment to Excellence
Kemper products address the the most adverse filed conditions and challenging designs with unique features and benefits:
Fully reinforced
Seamless technology
Environmentally safe
Odor-free products
24/7 application
UV and chemical resistant
Rot and root resistant
Resists extreme climactic changes
Adheres to virtually any substrate
Highly durable, long life cycle
Membrane consistency

Technical Field & Design Support
Providing expert counseling for design and installation.

Contractor & Applicator Certified Program
Contractor Licensing Program
Product Information

Range of Warranties
Interior Applications
Offering a full range of assembly warranties to meet project requirements.
Long-term protection against moisture infiltration into interior finishes.